National News

Provision of modern equipment to LEAs to improve capabilities: Ahsan

Provision of modern equipment to LEAs to improve capabilities: Ahsan

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for Interior, Ahsan Iqbal on Wednesday stressed that police have an important role to deal with challenges faced by country including terrorism, saying provision of modern equipment would improve its performance.
He was addressing a handing over ceremony of 11 Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) to Pakistan here at the National Police Academy. These APCs, provided by United States Embassy’s International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) section, would be distributed amongst Islamabad Police, Frontier Constabulary (FC) and Khyber Pakhunkhwa (KPK) police to improve their professional capabilities.
The ceremony was attended by US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Inspector General of Police (IGP), Islamabad, Dr Sultan Azam Temuri, Additional IG KPK, Naeem Khan and Commandant FC, Liquat Ali Khan.
Ahsan Iqbal thanked INL for providing the APCs to enhance capacity of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) of the country and said inclusion of latest equipment in these forces would also help in country’s fight against terrorism.
He said, “The role and duties of Law Enforcement Agencies are of pivotal importance for stability and socio-economic advancement of our country,” reaffirming Pakistan’s readiness to work with the United States as a partner for achieving peace and security in the region.
“Pakistan desires a broader and comprehensive partnership with the United States, beyond security and particularly in the education sector. We have to work together and show greater understanding,” he said.
On the occasion, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State highlighted the details of the programme under which LEAs in Pakistan were being facilitated through provision of equipment and capacity building training.
He said during last 15 years 20,000 LEAs personnel, 4000 officers and 1000 female personnel have been imparted training which showed how US government was committed to Pakistan in providing assistance to fight against terrorism.
In his remarks, IGP Islamabad said of the total APCs, Islamabad police would get two, hoping that these would
enhance police’s capabilities. AIG KPK and Commandant FC also thanked INL for its assistance.