National News

No political party stepped for FATA reforms during last 70 years

No political party stepped for FATA reforms during last 70 years

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for States and Frontier Regions. Lt.Gen (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch on Thursday said that only Pakistan Muslim League (N) took lead to introduce reforms in the FATA as other parties did not bother for it during last 70 years.
Responding to a point of order in the National Assembly, he said that the issue about FATA Reforms Bill will be solved amicably by taking on board all political parties. “A meeting with be held with Prime Minister tomorrow to discuss the FATA reforms bill and I am confident that the issue would be solved amicably,” he added.
“There are no hurdles to table the FATA Reform bill in the National Assembly; the committee had given 25 recommendations and the bill had been withdrawn due to technical reasons” he added.
He said, “It does not mean that we are not backing this bill for presentation in the National Assembly. The government is determined to bring the bill in the House after evolving consensus”.
He said that from the last 70 years all the political parties were sleeping and it is the only Pakistan Muslim League (N) which led to introduce reforms in the FATA.
“We will not allow any party to take the credit of FATA Reforms Bill, the whole
credit goes to Pakistan Muslim League (N)” he added.