National News

Politicians, people laud PM for bold speech at OIC

Politicians, people laud PM for bold speech at OIC

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):People of every walk of life including academicians, civil society and politicians here on Thursday lauded the speech of Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi at extraordinary summit of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and have termed it comprehensive and reflected the wishes and aspirations of people and Muslim Ummah.
Talking to APP, PML-N Parliamentary leader in KP assembly Sardar Aurangzaib Nalota highly commended the Prime Minister of Pakistan for taking bold stance on the issue of Palestine and Al-Quds Al Sharif at OIC.
“The PM has passed a clear and loud message that only a sovereign homeland for the people of Palestine with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital remained the only road map for the Muslim Ummah and OIC,” he explained.
“The PM’s speech was highly praised at national and international forums as it was based on justice and under diplomatic norms,” he said.
The participation of heads of states and governments of more than 26 Islamic countries had also passed a strong message that US decision to recognize Jerusalem as Capital of Israel was not acceptable to Muslim Ummah including people of Palestine, he said.
Nalota said US decision was a blatant attempt to set in motion steps to change the historic and lawful status of the Holy City, which was totally unacceptable to Muslims world.
Terming President’s Trump decision as clear violations of applicable UN Security Council, he urged the world body to play its constructive role in implementation of its resolutions to address the core issues of Kashmir and Palestine for global peace.
Muhammad Naeem, Assistant Professor, Economics department, University of Peshawar also lauded the speech of Prime Minister and termed it very comprehensive, inclusive and foresighted.
“The Prime Minister has presented a comprehensive solution to the issue of Palestine and the way out from this difficult situation emerged after US President’s decision on Jerusalem.”
He said the Prime Minister had reiterated his strong support to people of Palestine in their just struggle for an independent homeland, which was praised worthy.
Pakistan has renewed its call for establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous State of Palestine, on the basis of international parameters, the pre-1967 borders, and with Al- Quds Al-Sharif as its capital, he added.
Dr Naeem said credibility of UN Security Council would be questioned if it did not live up to its primary role in maintaining international peace and security besides resolving the core issue of occupied Kashmir and Palestine on which several wars were fought.
Former Information Officer Retired Misal Khan, ex school teachers Fazl Razik and Pir Muhammad Khan have also eulogized the bold stance adopted by the Prime Minister at OIC, saying that peace in Middle East was only possible with resolution of core issue of Palestine.
They said the Prime Minister had presented a workable solution for addressing the issue of Palestine and bringing peace to Middle East and solid efforts was required in this direction.
“The Muslims have highest regards and emotional attachment with the Holy City of Al-Quds Al Sharif and will never accept it as capital of Israel,” they maintained.
They said the US President’s decision had created wide spread anger and hurt sentiments of billions of Muslims and Muslim Ummah would only be satisfied with withdrawal of his decision,” they explained.
They expressed the hope that US President will review its decision and play positive role in addressing the core issue of Kashmir and Palestine for durable peace in South Asia and Middle East.