National News

4 reports of standing bodies presented in Senate

4 reports of standing bodies presented in Senate

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):As many as four reports of three standing committees including Law and Justice, Information Technology
and Telecommunication and National Food Security and Research were presented in the Senate on Friday.
Chairman Standing Committee on Law and Justice Muhammad Javed Abbasi presented two reports
regarding further amendment in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan [The Constitution
(Amendment) Bill, 2017] (insertion of new Article 95 A) and [The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2017]
(insertion of new Article 136A) introduced by Mohsin Leghari in the House.
Shibli Faraz on behalf of Chairman Standing Committee on Information Technology and
Telecommunication Shahi Syed presented report regarding names, designations and
date of retirement of the pensioners of the Telephone Industries of Pakistan, Haripur.
Meanwhile, Mohsin Leghari on behalf of Chairman Standing Committee on National Food
Security and Research Syed Muzafar Hussain Shah presented report regarding
fertilizers and movement of urea in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.