National News

Democratic govts always follow law, court’s interpretations

ISLAMABAD, Mar 20 (APP): Minister for Information, Broadcasting
and National Heritage, Senator Pervaiz Rashid on Sunday said the
democratic governments always follow law and court’s interpretations
and in case court orders to bring Musharraf back through Interpol
the government would obey.
Law of land takes its course if any accused person does not appear
before court, the Minister said in an interview with a private television
He said former President Pervez Musharraf was summoned by
Special Court on March 31 and obviously the law will take its course if
he does not appear. The court has granted immunity to former
President from appearance in some cases while he was acquitted in
‘Bugti’ case, he said and added in case the government takes a new step
it would be considered as “revenge or personal rivalry.”
He said there were court’s decisions regarding inclusion and
exclusion of Musharraf name in Exit Control List (ECL), adding that
the government had followed these decisions.
Replying to a question about Ahsan Iqbal statement on Musharraf
issue, he said this was given at a time when Musharraf was not
appeared before the court and it was being perceived that the
former president was going abroad as a plane was awaiting and he would
leave the country.
The Minister said Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) (PML-N)
stood with people of Pakistan at a time when Musharraf was enjoying powers
of his dictatorial regime.
“We raised voice against Musharraf even in imprisonment,” he
He said it was a fact that there was not an exemplary history
of obeying law and constitution in Pakistan, however, it could not
be said that there was no guardian of constitution and democracy in
the country.
The Minister said from dictatorial regimes of Ayub Khan to Musharraf,
there were thousands of people who had rendered sacrifices to protect
constitution and democracy.
Pervaiz Rashid said an elected prime minister was arrested
illegally on October 12, 1999 and people of the country were not
informed till 40 days about whereabouts of their Premier.
Replying to another question, he said, there was no pressure
from international community including Saudi Arabia regarding
Musharraf departure, adding, during Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz
Sharif’s visit along with Army Chief to Saudi Arabia, just defence
matters were discussed. Neither protection nor amnesty was given to
Musharraf, he said.
Replying to another query, the Minister said Chairman
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan was impressed
with Musharraf as the latter had prayed for him to become prime
Rejecting statement of Imran Khan regarding another National
Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO), he said, PTI should discuss
the issue in parliament.
Pervaiz Rashid questioned that why Imran Khan did not
make his lawyer as a party in Musharraf case ?
Earlier, talking to a private television channel, the Minister
said the government has always honoured courts’ decisions.
“In spite of the fact that Musharraf subjected Pakistan
Muslim League-N (PML-N) to cruelties, we do not want to pursue
politics of vengeance,” he added.
Pervaiz Rashid said contradictory statements were issued by
Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) over Pervez Musharraf’s departure and
added Musharraf continued travelling abroad frequently during
PPP regime.
Even opposition leader in National Assembly, Khursheed
Shah has raised no objection on Musharraf’s departure while
back benchers of PPP in parliament were raising hue and cry on the
Pervaiz Rashid said Musharraf was also nominated in
murder case of Benazir Bhutto, mother of Bilawal Bhutto Zardari,
but this did not prompt his father to take any action