National News

Civilian’s killing in Kupwara widely condemned

Civilian’s killing in Kupwara widely condemned

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Hurriyat leaders have condemned the cold blooded murder of a civilian, Asif Iqbal, by Indian troops at Thandi Pora in Kupwara district.
The Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani termed the killing as very unfortunate and held the puppet administration, Indian police and occupational forces responsible for such brutal killings, KMS reported.
While addressing telephonically to mourners in Thandipora, the native village of the martyred civilian, Gilani appealed to people to boycott upcoming elections. He said those who vote during elections are not only committing an act of treason but their actions are also acting as oxygen for the Indian occupation of Kashmir.
“It is very sad that in Kupwara, a few people voted even for BJP,” Gilani said. “Taking part in election process is tantamount to betrayal with the sacred blood of martyrs. Any sort of participation in elections would prolong our struggle for freedom,” he added. “The blood of these martyrs will not be allowed to go waste and Kashmiris will never forget their sacrifices,” he said.
“Eighteen resolutions were passed that people of Jammu and Kashmir will be given the opportunity to exercise their right to self-determination and the United Nations Security Council guaranteed the right to self-determination to Kashmiri people; India is a signatory to this, but has failed to fulfill its commitment,” he said.
The Chairman of Hurriyat forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in his statement said that Indian forces, laced with unbridled powers and impunity under the cover of black laws, are killing Kashmiris at free will. “Since there is no accountability, thousands of Kashmiris have been killed in cold-blood and merciless manner and not even a single soldier or policeman involved has ever been brought to book or tried by law,” Mirwaiz mentioned.
He deplored the criminal silence maintained by the world human rights bodies, and said that for the past 70 years, Kashmiri people had been killed, blinded, maimed, tortured and all the international rights organisations instead of building pressure on New Delhi to withdraw its forces from Kashmir and resolve the conflict preferred to keep mum.”
The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front, Muhammad Yasin Malik said that the cold-blooded murder of innocent Asif Iqbal had once again proved that trigger-happy Indian forces were enjoying immunity and were only deployed to kill humans in Kashmir. “Indian rulers, along with their Kashmiri stooges and Assembly members, are providing a legal cover to these killers and are hence equally responsible for these massacres,” he said.
Other Hurriyat leaders including Maulana Abbas Ansari, Zamrooda Habib, Bilal Ahmad Siddiqui, Hakim Abdul Rashid, Shabbir Ahmad Dar, Muhammad Iqbal Mir, Muhammad Ahsaan Untoo, Imtiyaz Ahmad Reshi, Ghulam Nabi War, Abdul Majid Tramboo, Nazir Ahmad Shawl and Democratic Freedom Party also condemned the killing. They urged world human rights bodies to send their teams to Kashmir and monitor the worst situation and human rights violations of occupied Kashmir.