International News

US gun-loving mom shot by her 4-year-old could face charge

MIAMI, March 23, (APP/AFP) – A Florida gun activist accidentally shot by her four-year-old son could be charged with allowing him to get hold of the weapon, authorities said Tuesday.
“It is of paramount importance to make certain that guns do not fall into the hands of children. It was very clear that there was a violation here,” said Captain Gator DeLoach of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.
Jamie Gilt, 31, who had boasted online about her toddler’s shooting
prowess, was cruising down a major thoroughfare with her son in the back when he shot her March 8. The bullet went through the seat cushion.
Prosecutors ultimately will decide if Gilt faces a charge of “unsafe
storage of firearm” — a second degree misdemeanor.
She is recovering at a Florida hospital in stable condition, and her son is with relatives.
The mother and boy were on their way to pick up a horse, said police, who rushed to Gilt’s aid after a police officer slowed to check why the vehicle had stopped.
The weapon was a .45-caliber handgun the boy found on the floor of the pickup truck.
She was said to have posted on her Facebook page: “Even my 4 year old gets jacked up to target shoot with the .22.”