National News

No Kashmiri ready to tolerate genocide: JRL

No Kashmiri ready to tolerate genocide: JRL

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Joint resistance leadership (JRL) comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik has said that the Kashmir Valley has been converted into a killing field where the lives of men, women and even children are not safe from killers in uniform.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the resistance leaders in a joint statement issued in Srinagar said, “The brutal killings of Misra Bano and Asif Iqbal of Kupwara, Ruby Jan of Shopian and Zahid Ahmad in Rajasthan, clearly show that Indian army, occupational forces and police are out to kill Kashmiris, while pro-India politicians are there to provide legal shield to these killers.” They said that the Kashmiris would never remain silent on their genocide. They also asked people to protest against the stepped up Indian state terrorism in the occupied territory.
The leaders termed the ongoing civilian killings by the trigger happy Indian forces as agonizing. “The spree of brutal killing has crossed every limit and has now become intolerable. No Kashmiri is ready to tolerate this genocide and no effort will be spared to stop these brutalities,” they said.
“Some days back, a poor lady Misra Bano was targeted with bullets at Handwara and killers and their abettors tried to cover it up by terming it as cross firing. Only few days after this brutal killing, these trigger happy soldiers gunned down another innocent boy Asif Iqbal who was the lone bread-earner for his family and same theory of cross firing was repeated,” they added.