National News

Peace in South Asia linked to solution to Kashmir dispute: AJK PM

Peace in South Asia linked to solution to Kashmir dispute: AJK PM

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan has said that durable peace in South Asia is linked with the peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute.
Talking to Radio Pakistan, he said Indian aggressive designs have put regional peace on stake.
Raja Farooq Haider Khan called upon the United Nations and other peace loving countries to play their due role in stopping Indian armed forces from committing genocide of Kashmiris.
He said Indian army is using lethal weapons like pallet guns on the peaceful protesters.
The AJK Prime Minister said that women and children are also not safe from Indian atrocities in the held valley.
He said Indian army is targeting civilian population on both sides of the Line of Control.