National News

JRL condemns growing Indian aggression in IOK

JRL condemns growing Indian aggression in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik has condemned the stepped up Indian state terrorism against the unarmed and peaceful people of the territory.
The JRL in a statement issued in Srinagar said that under a well-thought-out plan, the Indian forces were carrying out genocide of the Kashmiris. “Even infants and innocent babies are deprived of their mothers as Kashmir has been turned into a killing field where the lives of men, women and even children are not safe,” it said, KMS reported.
The JRL while referring to the recent killing of two innocent women in Handwara and Shopian and a youth said that the puppet authorities were desperate to cover the gruesome and inhuman acts of Indian forces’ personnel and were shielding criminals.
It strongly condemned the indiscriminate use of pellets against civilians saying that hundreds of youth were victims of a deadly weapon used nowhere else in the world. Kashmir is the only place in the world where these weapons are used against human beings, it deplored.
The JRL said that though several resolutions had been passed by the UN to resolve the Kashmir dispute but no steps had been taken towards achieving this objective.
It said, “For the last seven decades, there have been hundreds of thousands of people killed, the resistance leaders and youth caged, hundreds blinded and maimed, properties worth billions destroyed, more than ten thousand disappeared in Indian forces’ custody, and still there is no let-up in killing and atrocities.” It appealed to the international community to take cognizance of the Indian state terrorism and come to the rescue of subjugated people of occupied Kashmir.