National News

Pakistan considers Japan important development partner: Tariq Fatemi

ISLAMABAD (APP):The Special Assistant to the Prime Minister
Tariq Fatemi said here Thursday Pakistan regarded Japan as an important friend and development partner as the two countries enjoyed an excellent cooperation in diverse fields.
He highlighted the Prime Minister’s policy of peaceful neighborhood and
non-interference in the region, and reiterated Pakistan’s desire to build a constructive and trust-based relationship with all its neighbours. He was talking to the Director General Southeast and South West Asian Affairs Department, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Kazuya Nashida and Deputy Special Representative of Japan for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Amb. Katsuhiko Takahashi who called on him here, said a statement of the foreign office spokesman.
Fatemi stressed that peace in Afghanistan was vital for the peace and
stability of the entire region, and enumerated Pakistan’s contribution towards facilitating an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process. He also outlined the various initiatives underway for greater regional integration and connectivity, in order to unleash the economic and trade potential of the region.
The two Japanese envoys stressed that Japan attached great importance to
its relations with Pakistan, and would continue to explore ways to further strengthen the existing bilateral ties between the two sides. They also appreciated Pakistan’s role in promoting peace and stability in the region, in line with its policy for a peaceful neighbourhood.
Other issues of bilateral and regional importance were also discussed
during their meeting.