National News

Zafar Butt continues mass contact programme in IOK

Zafar Butt

Zafar Butt continues mass contact programme in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairman of Jammu and Kashmir Salvation Movement, Zafar Akber Butt continued mass contact prgramme.
Zafar Akber Butt along with party members visited residences of Dukhtaran-e-Millat Chairperson, Aasiya Andrabi, Grand Mufti Bashirudin, Khateeb of central Jamia Masjid Syed Ahmed and discussed present political situation in Kashmir with them, KMS reported.
Zafar Akber Butt on the occasion, hailing the contribution of Aasiya Andrabi for the ongoing liberation movement, said that she had sacrificed a lot including her family for Kashmir cause and her role will be written in golden words.
While meeting Grant Mufti, he said that they had played important role in spreading teachings of Islam and contributed a lot for Kashmiris’ struggle for right to self-determination.
Zafar Butt also condoled the sad demise of Abdul Rashid Dar, brother of Hurrriyat activist, Parvez Ahmed and death of M Hussain Naqash, cousin of Hurriat leader Mohammad Yusuf Naqash and expressed solidarity with the bereaved families.
Addressing corner meetings, he said that people were committed to the cause and would continue their political struggle to its logical conclusion.