National News

PM takes note of stranded Pakistanis in Moscow

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
Thursday took note of the issue of stranded Pakistanis in Moscow and
directed all possible assistance to help them return home at the
“On the directions of the Prime Minister, efforts are on to
provide all possible assistance to the Pakistanis stranded at
Moscow’s Airport,” a statement from the Foreign Office said.
The Foreign Office said Pakistan’s Ambassador in Moscow was in
constant contact with the Russian authorities for consular access,
which has been granted, while a Russian speaking Embassy official
was also meeting the stranded passengers.
Earlier the Prime Minister directed his Special Assistant on
Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi to expedite assistance to the
Pakistanis to help them return home.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was keeping the Prime
Minister’s Office updated on the situation.
The Foreign Office said the issue was also being taken up by
Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Russian Embassy in Islamabad.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has confirmed that the stranded
passengers were served with food and were being looked after
appropriately. They will be repatriated by evening today. The
Pakistanis who were earlier repatriated were in transit in Istanbul
and the Pakistan Mission in Turkey was in touch with the relevant
quarters to ascertain welfare of the passengers and ensure their
early repatriation to Pakistan.