National News

Stop interfering in religious matters of Muslims, DFP warns India

Stop interfering in religious matters of Muslims, DFP warns India

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party has said that India is interfering in the religious matters of Muslims and recent decisions about triple Talaq and Hajj are glaring examples of it.
DFP Secretary General, Muhammad Abdullah Tari in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the decisions of Indian government had hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims on the whole. He said that New Delhi was provoking 300 million Indian Muslims by taking anti-Islam measures, KMS reported.
“If India is sincere in changing the overall situation of its Muslims, it must accept the recommendations of its own experts which they have put forth time and again,” he added.
Muhammad Abdullah Tari said that by interfering in the religious matters of Muslims, India is in fact encouraging communalism and hatred which is very harmful in any way.
Meanwhile, a DFP delegation went to Drubgam and Tral areas of Pulwama to pay tributes to Manzoor Ahmed Baba and Fardeen Ahmed, who were martyred by Indian troops on Monday.
Addressing mourners on the occasion, the DFP leaders said that the Indian authorities were leaving no stone unturned to intimidate and suppress the people of Kashmir. They, however, maintained that all Indian oppressive measures had failed to crush the Kashmiris’ freedom sentiment and they were determined to take their liberation struggle to its logical conclusion.