National News

PML-N govt’s successful policies restore peace in KP, FATA

PML-N govt’s successful policies restore peace in KP, FATA

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The lawmakers of KP Assembly here on Wednesday said the successful policies of PML-N government and decisive actions of security forces against menace of terrorism and extremism has immensely helped restore peace in all restive areas of KP and FATA.
PML-N Parliamentary leader in KP Assembly, Sardar Aurangzaib Nalota told APP that failed politicians and critics had made fun when PML-N leadership announced to restore peace in the country in 2013-election campaign.
He said PML-N government after coming into power has accepted this gigantic challenge and has started various successful policies and actions to defeat terrorism and bring peace to the country.
The National Action Plan (NAP) has set a new direction for the nation in the war against terrorism and successful actions and operations of the government and law enforcement agencies under NAP have significantly helped reduce incidents of terrorism and have restored peace in all restive areas of KP, Fata and Karachi, which was a great achievement of PML-N.
He said massive operation Zarb-e-Azb was started in North Waziristan Agency that had not only broken back of terrorists and militants but also their sanctuaries were completely destroyed.
“Terrorists who were prowling unchecked before 2013 were flushed out from their strongholds in rural and urban areas in KP, FATA and those putting up resistance were silenced forever, owing to successful counter terrorism operations by security forces and effectives security polices of PML-N government.”
Nalota said Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad was successfully underway in the country, which has significantly improved security situation in the country.
The arrival of 1.75 million international and 38.8 million domestic tourists to the country, successful holding of peace cup 2017 in Miranshah North Waziristan Agency, Asia Peace Festival, Pakistan Motorcar Rally from Khunjrab to Gwadar and PSL Final in Lahore, establishment of Counter Terrorism Force, implementation on sentences awarded to terrorists, elimination of all ‘no go areas’ and rehabilitation of TDPs have reflected return of peace and normalcy in the country.
MPA Saleh Muhammad Khan said bringing peace and normalcy to the country and eradication of load shedding were one of the biggest achievements of PML-N government and the party will go to general elections with immense pride as its leadership had fulfilled all promises made with electorates.
He paid rich tributes to the sacrifices of law enforcement agencies and people of the country who stood up before terrorists like a solid rock and defeated them at their strongholds.
Saleh Muhammad said it was high time that all political forces should sit aside their differences and work together by extending all out support to the government to address the existing challenges faced by the country.