National News

Federal, provincial authorities asked to assist ECP in delimitation, electoral rolls revision

Federal, provincial authorities asked to assist ECP in delimitation, electoral rolls revision

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has asked the authorities in the federation and the provinces to assist the commission with regard to delimitation of constituencies and the revision of electoral rolls.

In a letter written to the provincial chief Secretaries, Additional Chief Secretary (FATA) and Secretary Ministry of Statistics, the ECP has drawn their attention towards the sixth population census, 2017 held this year throughout the country.

According to ECP, the letter says that through the constitution (Twenty fourth) amendment act 2017, the clause (3) and clause (5) of article 51 of the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have been amended according to which the seats in the National Assembly have been allocated to each province, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and the Federal Capital on the basis of provisional results of the aforementioned census

The letter further states that the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is under constitutional obligation to delimit the constituencies and revised the electoral rolls accordingly.

It added in order to accomplish these national tasks well before the upcoming General Elections, the Election Commission has brought their attention towards the Article 220 of the Constitution which says “It shall be the duty of all executive authorities in the Federation and in the Provinces to assist the Commissioner and the Election Commission in the discharge of his or their functions.”

The letter draws the attention of the Provincial Chief Secretaries to the paucity of time and says that the Commission has issued a directive on December 22, 2017 requiring thereby the authorities in the federation and the provinces to assist the Election Commission with regard to delimitation of constituencies and the revision of electoral rolls.

In this connection, the said entities have been directed to accomplish various tasks and furnish necessary information as mentioned therein within stipulated dates. It has further been directed that the limits of the Revenue Units will stand frozen with effect from December 22, 2017 which ban will continue till the completion of delimitation process.

The letter addressed to the Chief Secretaries states that it will highly be appreciated if exclusive directions are issued to all concerned for compliance of the said directive in letter and spirit and furnish the requisite information latest by January 10, 2018 so that the activities with regard to the delimitation and revision of the electoral rolls are not hampered.