National News

Aasiya Andrabi put under house arrest in Srinagar

Aasiya Andrabi put under house arrest in Srinagar

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Puppet authorities in Indian occupied Kashmir, have placed the Chairperson of Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM), Aasiya Andrabi, under house arrest in held Srinagar.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the DeM spokesperson, Fehmeeda Sofi, in a media interview in Srinagar said that a posse of Indian police personnel reached Aasiya Andrabi’s residence in Soura area of Srinagar at around 7 pm on Thursday and told her that she was under house detention.
Aasiya was released along with Fehmeeda Sofi from Srinagar Central Jail on December 25, 2017 after months’ long detention.
Meanwhile, Aasiya Andrabi in a statement said that because of the uselessness and hypocrisy of the UN, its resolutions on Kashmir were yet to be implemented. About 69 years have passed, but the UN is unable to do anything regarding the implementation of its resolutions on occupied Kashmir, she added.
On the other hand, Hurriyat leader, Sheikh Muhammad Yaqoob, in a statement issued in Islamabad strongly condemned the arrest of Hurriyat leaders including Muhammad Yasin Attai and Syed Imtiyaz Haider by Indian police in occupied Kashmir.