National News

SNGPL for judicious use of gas to ensure smooth supply to tail-enders in winter season

SNGPL for judicious use of ga

SNGPL for judicious use of gas to ensure smooth supply to tail-enders in winter season

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) has advised its consumers to ensure avoiding excessive use of gas and install quality gas appliances to maintain smooth gas flow in transmission lines and regular supply till the tail-end.
“No doubt we are receiving low gas pressure complaints in some areas but it is mainly due to imbalance between demand and supply of the commodity caused by increased gas consumption in the peak winter season, use of illegal methods to suck gas, excessive use of geysers and heathers, installation of substandard gas appliances and somehow technical faults because of the mounting load on the existing transmission network,” a spokesman of the company told APP.
The spokesman said the company was fully aware of the problems being faced by the consumers and its technical teams were busy round-the-clock to address the low gas pressure complaints and raiding the premises where compressors were installed to get the increased flow.
He declared the low gas pressure issue of a temporary nature and expressed the confidence to tackle it at the earliest.
“Using compressors to increase gas pressure is not only an illegal activity but also dangerous for precious human lives and public property,” he said, adding the company had set up a special compliant center and constituted special teams to facilitate consumers and redress their complaints instantly.
Answering a question, the spokesman was of the view that consumer should also install quality gas appliances with proper fittings, avoiding rubber pipes, as it would help curtail their utility bills, ensure safety and save the commodity for its judicious use by all consumers.
Meanwhile, official sources were of the view that after import of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and new discoveries, there was sufficient gas and the government was trying to ensure its smooth supply to consumers.
“But, there is the dire need of its judicious utilization to provide the commodity to tail-enders in peak winter season, as this year the gas supply situation is much better than the previous years,” they said.
During the tenure of the present government, they said, around 5.2 trillion cubic feet (TCF) gas had been consumed, while 5.4 TCF reserves had been added in the system. “It means we have replaced more than 100 percent gas reserves consumed.”
They said the figure of 5.4 TCF gas was based on the evaluation of 68 discoveries, while potential of remaining 33 finds were under evaluation, out of the total 101 discovered in a period of last four years.
Recounting the achievements, the sources termed the increased exploration activities and new finds a ‘record’ and the hallmark of the present government.
In a short span of four years, they said the government added more than 944 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) gas and 32,343 bpd oil in the transmission network across the country through indigenous resources.
“During tenure of the current government, 466 million cubic feet per day (mmcfd) additional gas from new discoveries and 478 mmcfd gas from existing fields, while 11,149 barrels per day (bpd) oil from new finds and 21,194 bpd from existing wells have so far been added in the system,” they said.