National News

Extension of triple talak law to IOK unacceptable: JKMPLB

Extension of triple talak law to IOK unacceptable: JKMPLB

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Personal Law Board (JKMPLB) has passed a resolution opposing the extension to the territory of the Indian law related to triple-talak.
The resolution was passed during an important meeting of the JKMPLB executive council, chaired by Grand Mufti, Mufti Bashir-ud-Din Ahmad, at its head office in Srinagar, KMS reported.
All the members endorsed the resolution and pledged to oppose any law aimed at interfering in religious matters of Muslims and diluting the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.
Mufti Bashir-ud-Din in his address said, since Jammu and Kashmir is a Muslim majority area, we will not allow India to extend any of its laws to the territory. No direct or indirect interference in religious matters of Muslims will be tolerated, he said.
The Grand Mufti said the government of India has been toiling to dilute the special status of Jammu and Kashmir. He said that Muslim Personal Law Board would hold meetings and seminars in all districts of Kashmir to create awareness among people about nefarious designs of the Indian government.
The meeting was attended by politicians, civil society activists, former judges, doctors, journalists and lawyers.