National News

Iranian President arrives to red carpet welcome on 2-day visit

ISLAMABAD, (APP): President of Islamic Republic of
Iran Dr Hassan Rouhani Friday was accorded red carpet welcome
as he arrived here on two-day visit from March 25-26.
At the invitation of Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif,
this is the first visit of Hassan Rouhani to Pakistan as the
President of Iran.
As he landed at Nur Khan Airbase, he was received by Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif, accompanied by his Adviser on Foreign
Affairs Sartaj Aziz, Minister for Climate Change Zahid Hamid
and Special Assistant to PM on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi.
Clad in beautiful traditional dresses, two children
presented him bouquet.
A 21-gun salute boomed in the backdrop to herald the
arrival of Iranian President who is accompanied by a high
level delegation.
Smartly turned out static guards of Pakistan Air Force
presented salute to the foreign dignitary.
According to Foreign Office, during his stay in Islamabad,
the Iranian President will hold meetings with the President and
the Prime Minister and exchange views on strengthening bilateral
relations, particularly after lifting of the sanctions on Iran
that has opened new avenues for enhancing economic interaction.
Cooperation on regional and international issues of mutual
concern will also be discussed.
The visit of Dr. Rouhani will further deepen the existing
fraternal ties between the two countries, the Foreign Office