National News

PPP leader for strict exemplary punishment for killer of innocent Zainab

PPP leader for strict exemplary punishment for killer of innocent Zainab

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan Peoples Party provincial leader Reh Badsha Sherpao Friday called for strict exemplary punishment for killer of
innocent Zainab of district Kasoor in Punjab.
In a statement issued here, he said that such people do not deserve mercy rather they should have to be punished publically to set an example for others besides curbing such crimes.
He said that justice should be done with innocent Zainab and the female victim of district DI Khan who was forced on gun point to parade naked in public.
He said if the culprits of other relevant crimes committed in Kasoor would have been punished, the live of innocent Zainab could have been saved.
The PPP leader expressed solidarity and sympathy with the bereaved family and assured that PPP would continue supporting the affected family till the justice is done.