National News

Kashmir situation is grim, worrisome: Mirwaiz

Kashmir situation

Kashmir situation is grim, worrisome: Mirwaiz

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairman of Hurriyat forum, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in Indian Occupied Kashmir has said that calling for shutdowns is the only option left with the resistance leadership to draw the attention of the world community towards the sufferings and pain of the people of the territory.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in a statement in Srinagar said that civilian killings would not stop in the occupied territory until the draconian laws like Armed Forces Special Powers Act were repealed.
He said situation in Kashmir is very grim, fragile and worrisome as there is no let up in the oppression unleashed by the Indian forces.
The Mirwaiz said that killing innocent civilians and maiming youth with pellets and teargas shells by the Indian forces’ personnel had become a routine in occupied Kashmir. “The actual plan is to commit genocide of Kashmiris and youth are its first target,” he added.
The Hurriyat forum Chairman said that the main reason for unabated killing of civilians is the black laws like AFSPA that give full impunity to the troops for their brutal actions in the occupied territory.
He said, “Since New Delhi has suppressed every form of peaceful protest, with resistance leadership even disallowed to hold meetings, the only option left with us is to call for a strike.”
He said it is the moral obligation of the international community to intervene and play role to put an end to the human rights violations being committed by the Indian forces’ personnel in occupied Kashmir.