National News

Qazi Yasir pays tributes to martyred youth in IOK

Qazi Yasir pays

Qazi Yasir pays tributes to martyred youth in IOK

ISLAMABAD,(MILLAT ONLINE):In Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK), prominent religious scholar and the Chairman of Ummat-e-Islami,
Qazi Yasir, has paid glowing tributes to two youth, Farhan Ahmed Wani and Khalid Ahmed Dar, who
were recently martyred by Indian troops.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Qazi Yasir visited the residences of Farhan Wani and
Khalid Ahmed in Khudwani area of Kulgam and expressed sympathy and solidarity with the
bereaved family members.
Addressing a gathering on the occasion, he said it is a high time for Indian common people
to stop playing in the hands of their politicians who are befooling them in the name of terrorism
and nationalism to divert their attention from the basic issues.
He urged the Kashmiri people to refrain from participating in the forthcoming Panchayat
Qazi Yasir demanded release of party leader, Sarjan Barkati, and other political prisoners
including Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Masarrat Aalam Butt, Dr Muhammad Qasim Fakhtoo, Ghulam
Qadir Butt, Mushtaq-ul-Islam, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Shafi Sariyati, Mehmood
Topiwal, Fayaz Ahmed Talaq, Irfan Ahmed Khan and Muhammad Ashraf Peer.
He appealed to the world human rights bodies to take cognizance of the grave human
rights violations being perpetrated by the Indian forces in Occupied Kashmir.