National News

TeH not allowed to hold consultative meeting in IOK

TeH not allowed to hold consultative meeting in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Indian authorities,in Indian occupied Kashmir, have not allowed Tehreek-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir to hold its consultative meeting in Srinagar.
According to Kashmir Media Service, TeH spokesman in a statement issued in Srinagar condemned the continued illegal house detention of its General Secretary, Mohammad Ashrafa Sehrai, Mohammad Ashraf Laya and Umar Aadil Dar.
The spokesman said that such cheap tactics could not weaken the freedom sentiment of the Kashmiri people. He said the people of Kashmir had given unprecedented sacrifices for securing right to self-determination which would not go waste.
The spokesman said that the mission of Kashmiri martyrs would be taken to its logical conclusion at all costs.