National News

Fata Bill 2017 historic, momentous step forward towards speedy justice to all litigants: Lawmakers

Fata Bill 2017 historic, momentous step forward towards speedy justice to all litigants: Lawmakers

PESHAWAR, (MILLAT ONLINE):The lawmakers of Khyber Pakthunkhwa and FATA here Monday termed FATA Bill 2017 passed by the National Assembly with overwhelming majority was a historic and significant step forward towards provision of speedy and inexpensive justice to all litigants of tribal areas.

Sardar Aurangzaib Nalota, PML(N) Parliamentary Leader in KP Assembly told APP that credit for passing of the historic bill goes to PMLN government that has fulfilled yet another promises made with tribesmen.

He said extension of SC and PHC was the long standing demand of people of FATA that was fulfilled today by PML(N) government. “The opponents had made fun when PML(N) leadership announced to bringing reforms in FATA, and passing of the bill has now put to an end to malicious propaganda and point-scoring politics of the opponents.”

“All those elements, who raised catchy slogans of long marches and sits ins on the name of FATA reforms have completely failed to provide any kind of relief to people of FATA and passing of this historic bill by PML(N) has buried propaganda politics of all such elements and made politics of political jugglers issue less,” he said.

“Except PML(N), all political parties have completely failed to provide any kind of constitutional relief to people of FATA during their respective regimes,” he said.

No political party had considered or even thought to extend SC and PHC’s jurisdiction to FATA during last 70 years despite many problems faced by tribal people and litigants were left at the mercy of political agents and assistant political agents in all tribal agencies and Frontier Regions to get justice.

Nalota said PMLN is the only party that had constituted a high-level committee led by fomer PM advisor on Foreign Affairs Sirtaj Aziz that had visited all tribal agencies, frontier regions and met with all stakeholders besides made extensive deliberations to make Fata bill and reforms acceptable to all.

The bill had paved the way for abolishment of the century-old draconian Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR) which was the long standing demand of tribesmen besides major step towards merger of FATA into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The PMLN leader said fulfilling of the 70 years old problem of Fata was possible due to democratic elected government, adding democracy was the only system that can protect people’s rights besides expediting pace of economic development. He said Fata bill was a gift of PMLN elected Govt for people of Fata.

He said if all institutions work under its constitution domain than not only democracy would be strengthened but people’s problems would also be addressed swiftly.
Shahabud Din Khan, Member National Assembly from Bajaur Agency also termed passing of the bill was a historic day in the history of FATA and finally their dreams for speedy justice come true.

Fata Bill is a leap forward to bring Fata into mainstream. He said extension of SC and PHC jurisdiction will provide quick justice to litigants of all seven tribal agencies and frontier regions of Fata.

The SC and PHC’s jurisdiction to Fata was the long standing demand of tribal people that was fulfilled by PMLN government for which it deserved full credit and appreciation and we also thanked the support of opposition on passing of the bill, he added.

Senior lawyer and constitutional expert, Alamzain Khan advocate also hailed extension of SC and PHC jurisdiction to FATA and appreciated parliamentarians and tribal people over passing of the bill.

He said PMLN Govt had won the hearts and minds of hundreds of thousands of tribal people with passing of this long awaited bill.

The noted lawyer said FCR was the core cause of backwardness, illiteracy, economic imbalances and poverty in tribal areas and replacement of this draconian law with SC and PHC would immensely help remove sense of deprivation among the tribesmen besides expedite pace of development and bring prosperity.

“Litigants in Fata would now enjoy rights of appeal, hiring of choice lawyer and producing evidences in support of their petitions before SC and High Court benches compare to FCR in more effective way and the judgments delivered by higher judiciary would be implemented swiftly,” he maintained.