National News

Pakistan’s energy security is Iran’s responsibility: Rouhani

ISLAMABAD, (APP): President of Islamic Republic of Iran
Dr Hassan Rouhani Saturday assured the Government of Pakistan that
provision of its energy security was Iran’s responsibility, besides
reiterating bilateral commitment to take volume of trade to US$ 5
billion within next five years.
“In the presence of distinguished Prime Minister of Pakistan,
the officials, the authorities, tradesmen, entrepreneurs and
delegates, I announce that Iran is responsible for provision of
Pakistan’s energy security. Based on our commitments in the area
of electricity, based on our commitment in the area of gas – we
have fulfilled our responsibility and will fulfill in the future,”
the Iranian President said in translated comment while addressing
Pakistan-Iran Joint Business Forum here.
The landmark announcement was received among the audience with
applause since Pakistan’s government was also striving hard to steer
the country of energy crisis.
Organized by Ministry of Commerce, the Forum was also addressed
by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who reiterated his government’s
resolve to inject around 12,000 MW of electricity by 2018 and
another 13,000 afterwards as country was actively executing various
power projects.
He also apprised the audience of his government’s desire to
bring prosperity not only in Pakistan but the whole region through
his vision of regional integration.
Rouhani said gas pipeline has reached Pakistani border and
of course, Iran was ready to expand and develop this cooperation.
“Pakistani nation should be assured that Iran as a strategic
partner for the Pakistani nation – will always explore its potential
in the field of oil and gas to satisfy the needs of Pakistani nation,”
he remarked.
Both the leaders observed that there existed immense potential
to harness the bilateral ties in the fields of trade, investment,
culture and science and technology; however, the bilateral trade
volume was far below that needed to be raised up to the mark.
Iranian President, who reached here Friday on two-day visit
along with a high level delegation, also drew attention of both the
countries to complement each other as in today’s era the development
of states was inter-linked.
He highlighted the areas in which his country was enormously
rich like gas, electricity, technical education, engineering besides
construction of roads, dams and rail network.
He said the tradesmen, entrepreneurs and the state sector
should cooperate in order to realize that Iran after its nuclear
agreement and in the post-sanctions era was an emerging economy
and would play its role in the area.
Mentioning the bilateral ties rooted in the historic, cultural
and religious bonds, Dr Rouhani said both the countries should
establish a partnership in the fields of transit and tourism.
He said Iranian economy was resistive that was why it survived
despite remarkable decrease in the oil prices which affected many
oil exporting countries.
He said Iran’s policy was to develop constructive engagement
with the neighboring countries especially the countries like
Pakistan for having several commonalities.
Seconding the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s remarks, Rouhani
said Allama Iqbal was revered in Iran just like Hafiz Sherazi and
Sheikh Saadi had respect among Pakistanis.
The Iranian President, who earlier also met Chief of Army
Staff General Raheel Sharif, lauded the struggle of Pakistan Army
for peace in the country and the achievements it had made.
“Pakistani nation is our significance, and we are proud of
that and of course, we consider the influence and power of
Pakistan Army as our own power and influence. Our defense and
security sectors should cooperate with each other for further
security of the borders and the region”, he added.
Rouhani suggested that both the brotherly countries should
enhance cooperation in banking sector besides enhancing role of
private sector by engaging in the fields of trade, economy and
Addressing the Forum, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said
interaction between eminent businessmen from Pakistan and Iran
would expand economic cooperation between the two countries.
He said the bilateral ties were rooted in cultural and
historic affinities; however this closeness was not reflected
in the trade and investment.
He said both the countries should work to transform these
historic ties into robust economic partnership.
He said with lifting of sanctions on Iran and reemergence
of growth in Pakistan, the target of US$ 5 billion was within
their reach and cooperation in multiple fields would encourage
the two sides to take fullest advantage of the potential.
Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan’s economy had emerged from the
challenge of extremism that had caused the loss of country’s two
percent of GDP.
He said the modern and progressive Pakistan, envisioned by
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, could not be realized without
eliminating the menace.
He said the pillar of his government’s constructive engagement
was the regional integration through corridors and establishing
trade partnership, not only with immediate neighbors but South as
well as Central Asia.
He said despite possessing nearly 70 percent of the world’s
energy resources and representing one fourth of global population,
the collective share of the Islamic countries in the global GDP
was insignificant, stressing the need to promote economic
integration and liberal trade relations among the Muslim countries
for economic growth, could not be over emphasized.
He said as members of OIC as well as D-8, Iran and Pakistan
have a great opportunity to demonstrate benefits achieved through
increased economic trade and technological cooperation.
He encouraged the participants of the Forum to avail the
opportunity to create linkges and share prosperity through economic
Earlier, in his Welcome Address, Minister for CommerceEngineer
Khurram Dastgir said the high level visit would open up new
opportunities for bilateral trade and investment.
He said the five-year strategic trade plan signed on Friday
would provide a roadmap for harnessing the potential of bilateral
Calling for mainstreaming of the private sector, the minister
said the establishment of joint chambers of commerce and
institutionalizing the trade could take the bilateral trade to a new
Later, a Letter of Intent was also signed between the State
Bank of Pakistan and Central Bank of Iran.