National News

Politically,economically strong Pakistan could be a better advocate of Kashmir cause: AJK PM

Politically,economically strong Pakistan could be a better advocate of Kashmir cause: AJK PM

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Prime Minister Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Farooq Haider Khan Thursday said that politically and economically strong Pakistan could be the better advocate of Kashmir cause besides a source of inspiration for the Muslims of India and the whole Muslim Ummah.
Talking to senior journalists in National Press Club (NPC), here, the Prime Minister extended heartiest felicitations to newly elected body of NPC. Azad Kashmir government would utilize its all resources for the welfare of journalist community.
President PFUJ Afzal Butt, President NPC Tariq Mehmood Chaudhry, Secretary General Shakeel Anjum, Senior Vice President Asif Bashir Chaudhry, Senior Joint Secretary Abid Abbasi, Secretary Finance Nosheen Yousaf, and journalists community welcomed the Prime Minister on arrival at NPC.
He said Kashmiris are being brutally tortured and killed by the Indian soldiers in Indian Held Kashmir(IHK). He urged print and electronic media to fulfill their responsibilities in highlighting the core Kashmir cause. Enough space should be provided to Kashmir issue in current affairs programme.
Kashmiris were ready to sacrifice for Pakistan, he said adding that the ultimate goal of Kashmiris was to access their territory with Pakistan.
President NPC Tariq Mehmood Chaudhry thanked the Prime Minister for felicitating the newly elected body of NPC.