National News

Indian troops go berserk in Pulwama

Indian troops go berserk in Pulwama

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Indian troops went berserk and unleashed a reign of terror in Pulwama district In Indian occupied Kashmir during a crackdown operation.
The residents of Lassipora area of Pulwama talking to media men said that the personnel of 55-Rashtriya Rifles while beating the people without any provocation also didn’t spare the local headman and preacher, Kashmir Media Service reported. They said that the troops also arrested four people and snatched mobile phones of several others.
The locals said that the troops from nearby garrison appeared in the area and started thrashing and assaulting people.
“They (troops) beat up everyone who came in their way. They stopped us when we were on way from work and beat us ruthlessly without any reason,” an elderly man from the area said.
Meanwhile, people in Sopore town have expressed resentment against ransacking of a Darul-Uloom by Indian troops during searches. The caretakers of Darul-Uloom Maharajpora in Sopore said that the troops barged into the seminary on Sunday night and ransacked the building.