National News

Kashmir Day to be observed on Feb 5

Kashmir Day to be observed on Feb 5

HYDERABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Kashmir Solidarity Day will be observed on Monday (February 5) to express solidarity with the plight of Kashmiri people for self-determination against state sponsored oppression by the Indian occupied forces.
Talking to APP here on Friday, President Pakistan Muslim League (N) Hyderabad, Muhammad Haneef Siddiqui
highlighted the importance of the day and assured the Kashmiri brethren that the people of Pakistan will continue their moral and political support so that they could achieve success.
He said that the Indian held Jammu and Kashmir are the parts of Pakistan and the country’s people always support the struggle
of freedom of their Kashmir brethren.
There would be public holiday on February 5. All government, semi-government offices, educational institutions, and corporations will remain closed on Kashmir day in remembrance of the martyrs of Kashmir.
Rallies, seminars and other functions would be organized by different organizations and political parties to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir.
Besides special supplements from local newspapers, the Radio Pakistan Hyderabad and local Radio and Television Channel will also highlight the importance of the day by broadcasting and telecasting special programmes.