National News

APHC stages protest demonstration outside Indian High Commission

APHC stages protest demonstration outside Indian High Commission

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) Chapter Friday staged a protest demonstration outside the Indian High Commission in Islamabad to mark India’s Republic Day as Black Day.
Addressing the protestors, APHC leadership expressed concern over the unabated wave of tyranny and persistent killings of innocent Kashmiris in the occupied valley by Indian forces.
The participants urged the international community to force India to stop atrocities in held Kashmir as durable peace is impossible sans resolving the core Kashmir issue.
The speakers strongly condemned the arrest spree and other human rights violations by the troops in the occupied territory. International community should play its role in granting the inalienable right to self determination to Kashmiris.
The speakers said that entire South Asia was facing uncertain situation due to delay in the resolution of the lingering Kashmir dispute which was also not in the interest of India.
They said India has no right to observe Republic Day as democracy is the name of honouring peoples’ opinion and mandate, which is being denied to Kashmiris by India despite tall claims of a democratic nation.