National News

JKNF accuses India of turning Kashmir into killing field

JKNF accuses India of turning Kashmir into killing field

MIRPUR, (MILLAT ONLINE):Jammu Kashmir National Front (JKNF) strongly condemned the brutal killing of two youths at the hands of Indian army in
Shopian town of Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir.
The JKNF spokesperson said that the Indian forces kill innocent and unarmed Kashmiris on their choice and there is nobody
to ask them why they shower bullets on unarmed protesters.
“The brutal killing of young Javed Ahmad Bhat and Shuhail Ahmad Lone has proved it that New Delhi is in no mood of adopting a
resolution process”, he said.
He said that India had once again given a clear message that it would not allow Kashmiri people to raise their voice. However New Delhi must note that Kashmiris have rendered tremendous sacrifices for
achieving right to self determination and they cannot be silenced by bullets
and pellets.
He also expressed solidarity and sympathy with the bereaved families of Gonawpora village and said whole nation is mourning the killings of two young students at the hands of the Indian army.