National News

Pakistan strongly condemns terrorist attack at Kabul Military Academy

Pakistan strongly condemns terrorist attack at Kabul Military Academy

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan Monday strongly condemned the terrorist attack at the military academy in Kabul and conveyed condolences at the loss of precious human lives in this attack.
According to a statement issued by Foreign Office, the government and the people of Pakistan convey solidarity and support to the government and people of Afghanistan on this attack.
“We convey our deepest sympathies with the families of those who have lost their loved ones and pray for the early recovery of the injured. Pakistanis feel the intense pain and agony of our Afghan brothers and sisters”, it said.
It said Pakistan reiterates its strong condemnation of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, especially the series of heinous attacks within the last week in Afghanistan.
It is clearly enunciated in “Paigham-e-Pakistan” – the fatwa issued unanimously by more than 1,800 Pakistani Ulema of all schools of thought stipulating that no cause or ends justify acts of terrorism and condemning suicide bombings.