National News

Majority of Madaris brought into mainstream : Ahsan addresses seminar

Majority of Madaris brought into mainstream : Ahsan addresses seminar

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Minister for Interior, Ahsan Iqbal on Tuesday said funds have been released for initiating reforms in education, improving curriculum on modern lines and bringing madaris in mainstream education system.
Addressing a seminar on ‘Role of Madaris in Pakistan and Afghanistan’ here, he said majority of madaris have been
brought into mainstream while the remaining madaris are also pursuing the same line to be part of it.
The seminar was organised by Centre for Conflict and Peace Studies in collaboration with Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies, Centre for Research and Security Studies and Royal Danish Defence College.
Ahsan Iqbal said the government was adopting all measures for noble cause of mainstreaming of Madaris and help their students to become an effective citizens of the country with an opportunity to join any profession of their choice like everyone-else.
The Minister recalled that role of madaris was changed after 1979 and after Afghan war, madaris were shown course of jihad.
Emphasizing joint efforts and cooperation, Ahsan Iqbal said West has responsibility to clear the mess and ensure justice. “West needs to know the actual causes of terrorism,” he added.
He said voice of Kashmiris was not being heard and added issue of Kashmir should also be given the same importance as was accorded to East Taimoor. “Kashmiri youth are frustrated, they have no option except to take arms,” he said.
“We need to work together to save the world from terrorism,” he added.
In his address, National Security Adviser, Lt General (Retd) Nasser Khan Janjua said a lot of work has been done
in connection with madrissa reforms. There exists 38,000 madaris in Pakistan where 3.5 million students are getting education.
He said as per new reforms, the students of madaris would read the same curriculum that are taught in mainstream schools and colleges.
The NSA said Pakistan continues its efforts for peace in the region.
The seminar was also addressed by Ambassador of Denmark to Pakistan, Pereira Holmboe and Dean, Royal Danish
Defence College, Mr. Ole Kverno.