National News

Protest rally in Jammu against Kathua girl’s murder

Protest rally in Jammu against Kathua girl’s murder

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The members of Gujjar Bakarwal community staged a protest march in Jammu against the puppet administration’s failure in arresting culprits involved in murder of a minor girl, Asifa, in Heeranagar area of Kathua district.
According to Kashmir Media Service, a large number of people carried out the rally and staged a sit-in near Jewel Chowk in Jammu. The protest brought the vehicular movement to a standstill for hours. The protesters demanded of the puppet authorities to provide justice to the family of the victim girl and bring the culprits to book.
Addressing the protesters, the speakers said that the puppet administration had failed to protect the citizens, as no mother, sister or daughter was safe in the occupied territory, especially in Jammu region. They said that the puppet administration’s intention to shield the culprits became clear when it arrested a social activist, Talib Hussain, for raising voice against this gruesome incident.