National News

PM cancels US visit

ISLAMABAD, Mar 28 (APP): Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif
Monday decided to cancel his visit to Washington, United
States where he was to attend the Nuclear Security Summit.
The decision was taken in view of the terrorist attack in
Lahore which took a heavy toll on the lives of innocent citizens
and caused injuries to scores of others, said a Foreign Office
press release.
Pakistan’s delegation to the Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in
Washington would now be led by Minister of State and Special
Assistant to the Prime Minister Syed Tariq Fatemi.
Pakistan has actively participated in the NSS process and
developed a robust Command and Control System and multi-layered
security of its nuclear programme. Pakistan cooperates closely with
International Atomic Energy Authority (IAEA).
The Prime Minister spent the entire day in Lahore condoling
with the bereaved families, as well as visiting the hospitals to
meet those injured in the terrorist attack.
The Prime Minister expressed solidarity with the victims’
families and reassured that the perpetrators behind the heinous
attack would be brought to justice.
He underscored that such incidents further strengthen the
government’s resolve to eradicate the menace of terrorism from its