National News

Aasiya concerned about prisoners’ plight in IOK

Aasiya concerned about prisoners’ plight in IOK

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Chairperson of Dukhtaran-e-Millat (DeM), Aasiya Andrabi in Indian Occupied Kashmir has expressed concern over prisoners’ plight in Srinagar central jail.
According to Kashmir Media Service , Aasiya Andrabi in a statement issued in Srinagar said that the authorities of Srinagar central jail had unleashed a reign of terror in the jail after a mujahid, Naveed alias Hanzullah managed to escape from SMHS Hospital where he was taken for a medical check-up.
She said the fleeing of Naveed is a security lapse, the jail authorities under the new command are inflicting atrocities on the prisoners, adding, “How can the authorities make others responsible for their own failure?”
“The people of Kashmir should remain cautious about the evil designs of the rulers and should foil all such conspiracies. We have to take a lead and realize our responsibilities. We should be firm and make the oppressor realize that the whole Kashmir is with the prisoners,” Aasiya said.