National News

Pakistan has concern over its placing on FATF watch list: FO

Pakistan has

Pakistan has concern over its placing on FATF watch list: FO

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Pakistan has serious concerns regarding motion with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) for placing Pakistan on a watch list, Foreign Office Spokesperson Dr Muhammad Faisal Thursday said.
During his weekly media briefing here, he said FATF is an international body that sets standards relating to combating of money laundering and terrorist financing. “Such motions are aimed to hamper the economic growth of Pakistan”, he added.
He said Pakistan remains committed to combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and ongoing terrorist combating operations by Pakistan army are proof of our commitment towards combating this menace.
Replying to a question, Dr Faisal said Afghan president’s tweets regarding Naqeeb ullah Mehsud case is an act of interference in Pakistan’s internal affair.
He said Pakistan strongly rejects the allegations of certain Indian police and defense officials and media insinuations in connection with the reported attack on Sunjwan camp in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir.
Replying to another query, Pakistan and India has fundamental dispute regarding Kashmir issue and all other problems cannot be solved between the two countries unless the political settlement of Kashmir issue takes place.
“A particular segment in the Indian media runs with their clear intention to malign Pakistan and whips up public frenzy, we hope world community would take due cognizance of India’s smear campaign against Pakistan and the deliberate creation of war hysteria,” he added. 
On the recent comments of the Defense Minister of India, Dr Faisal said familiar Indian tendency of apportioning blame on Pakistan, without concrete evidence, is regrettable. The reflex assignment of blame and smear campaigns, based on unfounded allegations, carry no credibility.
Spokesperson said India’s rapidly growing nuclear programme poses threat to regional peace and stability and negates India’s own claims of disarm policy.
He said Pakistan is never apologetic regarding its foreign policy and is fully committed and capable of defending itself against any act of aggression.
“We expect the international community to take cognizance of the belligerent and repeated Indian statements against Pakistan, which are not only against international law but also threatens regional peace and security”, he added.
Regarding the media reports of deputy leader of the banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan Khalid Mehsud Sajna, he said Pakistan appreciates any action taken against the enemies of Pakistan.
He said Pakistan does not support any move by foreign states to interfere in the internal affairs of Maldives and influence its upcoming elections. “Non-interference in the domestic affairs of other countries has always been the key principle of our foreign policy”, he added.
He paid condolences on the behalf of people and the Government of Pakistan over the tragic crash of a Russian passenger aircraft, resulting in the loss of seventy-one precious lives.