National News

Projects worth tens of Billions Rs rolled out in unversed areas: Anusha

Projects worth tens of Billions Rs rolled out in unversed areas: Anusha

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication Anusha Rehman Wednesday said different projects have been rolled out worth tens of Billions of rupees in last four years to provide broadband connectivity and optical fiber network in far-flung areas of the country including Baluchistan and KPK and most of the projects are near completion.
While addressing a signing ceremony of a contract awarded by the Ignite Company under the MoITT to a Joint venture of LUMS and Baluchistan University of IT and Management Sciences (BUITMS) Quetta for the launch of National Incubation center in Quetta minister said, it was our vision to provide broad band and IT facilities to the nook and corner of the country especially to the people of unserved and underserved areas.
Minister said that NIC Islamabad, Lahore and Peshawar are working successfully and expressed her desire to see NIC Quetta and Karachi, functioning by the month of April this year and be a part of this massively important network of Incubators.
She also appreciated the best efforts of Ignite in carrying out these key initiatives. She said that “Today’s launch event was an important milestone in the journey towards the realization of a Digital Pakistan and showcased the continued efforts of public and private sectors in establishing Pakistan as a flag bearer of technology innovation”.
Yousaf Hassan, CEO Ignite said that we have successfully launched NIC Islamabad, Lahore, Peshawar Karachi and now Quetta under the ablest leadership of Minister Anusha Rahman within stipulated time frame. He said that NIC Quetta will be a game challenger for the youth of Baluchistan and will produce competitive tech startups of all types. 
Sohail Naqvi VC LUMS Lahore while appreciating the initiative of Ignite and especially Ministry of IT said that ” it’s our privilege to be partnering in this tried and test model of entrepreneurial development. VC BUITEMS Mr. Ahmad Farooq Bazai thanked Anusha Rahman for providing this unique platform in the shape of National Incubation Center to the youth of Baluchistan. 
Khawaja Saad Saleem, chief operating officer Nayatel while speaking at the occasion commended the role of the Ministry of IT & Telecom in recognizing information technology as a significant contributor towards the economy of Pakistan through multifarious programs in concert with the industry as well academia. He applauded the transparent process through which these contracts were awarded. All credit goes to the honest and vibrant minister of IT Ms. Anusha Rahman who ensured efficacy and transparency in all IT related initiatives. He added.
The signing ceremony was attended by numerous dignitaries and high-level officials from both the government and the corporate sector