National News

ANF supervises internationally collaborated operation

RAWALPINDI, Feb 22 (APP):Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) Pakistan being premier drug
law enforcement agency is leading internationally collaborated operation
substitute to identify the illicit trafficking of precursor chemical.
According to ANF spokesman, the operation substitute is a
regional time bound activity which focuses on identification and interception
of shipments of “Acetic Anhydride” as well as “Non Controlled Chemicals”.
Second phase of the operation is being undertaken in Pakistan,
Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan with the international support. The
operation launched to identify and intercept smuggled consignments of chemical
precursor to comprehend the domestic movements of chemical precursor in better
way and to create risk profiles relating to trafficking of precursor chemical.
International support is being provided through International Narcotics Control
Board (INCB) Secretariat and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
The operation focuses on identification, monitoring and
seizure of consignments of all illicit precursor chemicals especially Acetic
Anhydride, Acetyl Chloride, Acetic Acid and Ammonium Chloride being transported
to Afghanistan. Arena of the operation includes boundaries of Pakistan wherein
emphasis will be laid on border crossings, major roads, seaports, airports, dry
ports and railway stations. Surveillance and strict monitoring will be
exercised throughout the operation.
The operation substitute was planned in two phases being conducted in close cooperation and coordination with INCB. First phase of the operation was conducted from October 10 to 20, 2014. Second phase of the operation,
substitute in Pakistan launched on February 19 to continue till February 28. All partner
agencies are participating in the operation under the command of ANF to ensure
smooth and purposeful conduct of the operation.
The objectives of the operation include practical
implementation of anti-trafficking techniques specifically those aimed at
precursors, effective use of specialized equipment/techniques for tests as
highlighted in standard operating procedures by the concerned authorities,
mapping of licit trade in the designated substances, streamlining and
improvement of intelligence sharing on seizures of chemicals, establishing risk
indicators by stopping shipments and risk profiling of the Acetic Anhydride,
Acetyl Chloride, Acetic Acid and Ammonium Chloride.
Pakistan’s counter-narcotics endeavors are being
undertaken completely in consonance with national policy, legislation,
international obligations and domestic environment.
All these factors coupled with organizational experience,
assigned mandate, magnitude of drug threat, working environment, rationale and
other guiding principles are kept in consideration while endeavoring for a
unified national stance and international commitments on all matters related to
illicit trafficking of drugs and prohibited chemical.