International News

National Day reception held in Pakistan Embassy, Dakar

ISLAMABAD, Mar 31 (APP): Embassy of Pakistan in Dakar (Senegal)
organized a reception to celebrate 76th Pakistan Day.
Serigne Mbaye Thiam, Minister for Education was the chief
guest at the ceremony General Birame Diop, Chief of Senegalese Air Force
was also in attendance, said a press release received here.
A large number of Diplomatic Corps, Senior Senegalese Civil and
Military officials, academia, renowned businessmen, members of Pakistan
community and representatives of media were among the guests.
In his welcome address, the Ambassador stated that Pakistan is a
vibrant and functioning democracy with media, independent judiciary and a
dynamic civil society.
There is remarkable improvement in our security as the Government
and armed forces have turned the tide against the terrorists and militants.
“Our military offensive `Operation Zarb-e-Azb’ has produced
remarkable results by defeating these forces of darkness”, he added.
He stated that Pakistan’s foreign policy is now of friendliness and
goodwill towards all nations of the world as envisioned by the founding
father, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Pakistan has turned its focus to regional integration and connectivity.
This was realized in the form of China Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC), a project that will enhance economic activity
for the entire region and promote integration.
The Ambassador expressed immense gratification that Pakistan and
the Senagal enjoy warm and cordial relations.
He briefly touched upon the recent meeting between the Prime
Minister of Pakistan and the President of Senegal in New York, which
provided a useful opportunity to explore ways to enhance bilateral
trade and investment, and promote defence cooperation.
Pakistani community in Senegal, though small in number, remains an
important aspect of people to people links between the two countries. He
hoped that they continue to make contributions towards
progress and prosperity of Senegal.
The event was well attended and provided useful
opportunity to network with the Diplomatic community and
senior Senegalese officials.