National News

EU wants stable, peaceful Pakistan: Enovy

QUETTA, March 31 (APP): The European Union Ambassador to
Pakistan, Jean Francois Cautain has said that the European Union
wanted long lasting stability and peace in Pakistan, adding
that the military operation and National Action Plan (NAP) had
created hope for end of terrorism in Pakistan.
Talking to a group of journalists, here on Thursday he said:
“We want to see Pakistan enjoying long lasting stability and peace”.
He said that military operation against terrorists and National
Action Plan would help in ending terrorism in Pakistan on permanent
basis. He, however, emphasized the need to implement NAP in
letter and spirit.
“There is need to implement National Action Plan in letter
and spirit in order to control militancy and to curb
terrorism in Pakistan,” he said.
He said that Pakistan has signed International Conventions of Labour
Laws and Human Rights and it should also pay attention to implement
those conventions in letter and spirit. “Pakistan should also implement International Conventions of Labour Laws and Human Rights in letter and spirit,” he said.
He said that the promotion of education and resolving issue of
unemployment would also help in reducing heinous crimes like that
terrorism and extremism. He said that the EU had been playing its due
role for establishment of good governance in Balochistan.
“We are running several projects pertaining to education, poverty
elimination, infrastructure and social infrastructure in Balochistan,”
he said.
Referring to China-Pak Economic Corridor (CPEC), he said that it
would bring a great change in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan. He, however, said that Balochistan would be beneficiary of CPEC when it has skilled people who could work in industries to be set up alongside CPEC.
He said that the EU has also been funding projects of vocational
training in Balochistan.
He said that keeping in view the importance of CPEC, Balochistan
should development processing industry of fruits, dry fruits and
fisheries as it is rich in them.
“You need proper planning and professional training besides evolving
long term planning to get due benefits from CPEC,” he said.