National News

Islam stands for peace, security; does not allow lawlessness: President

ISLAMABAD, Mar 31 (APP): President Mamnoon Hussain Thursday said religion Islam stands for peace, security, progress and stability and does not allow chaos and permission to anyone to engage in any sort of lawlessness and terrorism.
Addressing the fifth convocation of the Air University here,
the President said the international scenario has changed considerably over the years and today politics has gained an upper hand than economy, while the priorities of the governments have also changed.
He said the government desires that the new Pakistani generation was able to lead the way in economy, education, defence and all other sectors, without being reliant on anyone else.
He said it was for this reason that stability in the national
economy was of vital importance.
He said this objective can be achieved by expanding business and trade activities in the country and added that the China Pakistan Economic Corridor can prove to be very beneficial in this regard.
He said there has not been a change of even an inch in the route of the CPEC.
The President said the best way to benefit from the CPEC is to make Pakistan strong and safe.
He said in this regard measures are being taken under the National Action Plan to counter terrorism.
He said the nation must stand united and support the government and the departments engaged in this regard.
President Mamnoon Hussain said every segment of the society
must understand this fact that nothing can be achieved by pursing
anything in a wrong way.
To achieve higher objectives, only the right way needs to be pursued as violence never helps achieve anything.
The President said in the past few decades the country was
subjected to a lot of abuse and the path selected by the founder of
nation Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah has been lost and the
country failed to achieve its desired objectives.
On the contrary, he said corruption and mismanagement have become order of the day.
The President said in the year 1999 the outstanding debt was
Rs 3000 billion and when this new government came into power in the
year 2013, the total value of the loans reached 14,800 billion.
He said the previous governments were duty bound to start work
on alternative projects for construction of water reservoirs, when
the issue of construction of Kalabagh dam became controversial.
He said the previous governments failed to initiate work on Diamir
Bhasha and Dasu dams, despite the fact that feasibility of these
projects was completed.
The President said he has complete faith that under the
present government the pace of progress in every sector has hastened
and pointed that import of the Liquified Natural Gas would help
address a number of issues.
He said though there was some criticism on the price of LNG,
however added that it was not possible to get the LNG at a more
lower price.
He said this could also be proved by reports of many international organisations.
He said those indulging in unnecessary criticism need to fear the Allah Almighty and let the country move ahead on the right path.
President Mamnoon Hussain advised the youth to focus on their
education and particularly urged the female students to complete their studies.
He said the female students should also not hesitate from travelling abroad to seek higher education and said while abroad they must strive hard to bring a good name to the country.
The President later handed over degrees amongst the successful
Chancellor and Chairman of the Higher Education Commission Dr Mukhtar Ahmed was also present.
Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, who is also the Chairman of the
Board of the Air University presented a commemorative shield to the