National News

India should talk to Pakistan to reduce LOC tension: Sharma

India should talk to Pakistan to reduce LOC tension: Sharma

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):In Indian occupied Kashmir, India-appointed Interlocutor, Dineshwar Sharma has urged his government to hold talks with Pakistan to end hostility along the Line of Control.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Sharma in a media interview in Srinagar said, “The current hostility at the border is a serious problem. I am not going to speak to Pakistan. It is the government of the day which has to do the talking.”
Dineshwar Sharma said he has been visiting Kashmir to hold ‘peace talks’ with the stakeholders. “I am talking to Kashmiris. The government (of India) has to talk to Pakistan,” he demanded.
About his fifth-round of visit to Jammu and Kashmir, Sharma said his visit has been very much productive and “I am pretty much satisfied.”
Asked about the heavy cross-border shelling between India and Pakistan, Sharma said, “I can’t speak to Pakistan.” Sharma said that he would expect from the media in Kashmir to inform and report about the impact of his visits to Kashmir.
“You people should tell me about the impact of my visits to Kashmir. I have been meeting a large number of people/stakeholders every time I come,” he added.
Sharma said he didn’t find any difference in the ground situation and the conditions in South Kashmir were not different from Central Kashmir and North Kashmir. “The situation is similar everywhere. I didn’t find any difference. People have similar issues everywhere,” he said.
Sharma concluded his recent three-day visit to Kashmir on Saturday.