National News

Afghan envoy meets Ishaq Dar

ISLAMABAD, March 31 (APP): Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan
Hazrat Omar Zakhilwal called on Finance Minister Senator Mohammad
Ishaq Dar here on Thursday.
The Afghan envoy on the occasion expressed deep sense of
grief over casualties in the Lahore terror attack. He conveyed to the Finance Minister the message of condolences from the government and
the people of Afghanistan for the government and people of Pakistan.
He said the Afghan people shared the pain and anguish that the
Pakistani brethren had suffered and stood by them in this hour of
Ishaq Dar thanked the envoy for the kind sentiments expressed
for the government and people of Pakistan.
He said the tragic incident only further strengthened the
resolve of the Pakistani nation to eliminate the scourge of
The Finance Minister on this occasion also discussed with the
Afghan envoy the current profile of Pak-Afghan economic cooperation
with particular focus on steps for developing trade and enhancing
communication linkages with a view to promoting regional
He said that Pakistan took great pride in relations with
the brotherly Islamic country.
He reiterated the mutual desire of leadership of both
countries to take Pak-Afghan cooperation to greater heights.
The Afghan envoy said he looked forward to making special
efforts to build up volume of bilateral trade and augment economic
cooperation between the two countries. He said he would welcome
support from the Pakistani side in this regard.
Senior officials of the Finance Ministry were present on the