National News

Railway’s 281 locomotives complete 20 years age

ISLAMABAD, (APP): A total of 281 locomotives of Pakistan
Railways have completed their 20 years economic life out of a fleet
of 443, sources in Ministry of Railways said.
Talking to APP, they said that 162 locomotives have already
completed 10 to 20 years of the stipulated economic life of 20
They said that locomotives were usually designed with an
economic life of 20 years and after completing this period, the
engines tend to break down frequently.
Pakistan Railways still has 156 locomotives of over 40 years
or older – over twice their economic age. One of these locomotives
was a 53-year old diesel-electric locomotive manufactured by the
American Locomotive Company, they added.
The 78 old locomotives were still in use. This makes around
27.86 per cent of Railways active fleet of engines, the sources
Apart from these,they said that Pakistan Railways has 41
locomotives which are between the ages of 31-40 years, and 84
locomotives which were between 21-30 years of age.
Of the engines which are yet to complete their economic life
include 99 locomotives aged between 11-20 years and just 63
locomotives which were manufactured in the past 10 years.