National News

President urges Afghan students in Pakistan to use knowledge to end mutual mistrust

President urges Afghan students in Pakistan to use knowledge to end mutual mistrust

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):President Mamnoon Hussain on Tuesday said the Afghan students in Pakistan were ambassadors of
their country and called upon them to use education to defeat forces that fomented mistrust between
the two countries.
Addressing at the launch of documentary titled ‘The Real AfPak – Fighting errorism through
knowledge’ here at the Aiwan-e-Sadr, the President said keeping in view of regional situation,
Pakistan and Afghanistan as responsible nations, needed to take decisions for their peace.
President Mamnoon said Pakistan and Afghanistan were linked by the spirit of mutual respect
and love based on blood relations, regional proximity, shared values and religious beliefs.
He said despite recognized borders, the affection on both sides was similar and mentioned
the launch of higher education programme for Afghan youth, keeping in view the same association.
He expressed satisfaction that the number of Afghan students studying in Pakistan would
increase from 3,000 to 6,000 in coming days, which would provide them better opportunities of
The President said presence of Afghan students at the Aiwan-e-Sadr was a memorable
event. He wished the students happiness and best of knowledge so that they could work for
the progress, prosperity and stability of their country and region. “It is our sincere desire that
you serve your country in various fields after completing education so that the loss suffered
by Afghanistan during the last few decades, could be compensated and you could also play
your part in the well-being of the entire humanity,” he said.
President Mamnoon expressed pleasure that the Afghan students were being provided
facilities and opportunities similar to Pakistani students through this scholarship.
To the students studying under Allama Muhammad Iqbal Scholarships, being offered by
the Government of Pakistan, the President said the great poet Iqbal had termed Asia like a
body with Afghanistan its heart and had said that if there was no peace in Afghanistan,
there could be no peace in Asia.
The President said during the decades of war, the Afghan brothers suffered enormous
losses and Pakistan was also been hugely affected.
He recalled that Pakistan had lost its 70,000 sons, daughters, elders and soldiers,
besides huge financial damages beyond calculation. “We are fully aware of the problems
you have been facing since 1980s. We also hope that Afghan brothers are also cognizant
of our difficulties and constraints,” he said.
President Mamnoon said the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) belonged more
to Afghanistan than to Pakistan and China. He said several countries from Central Asia and
Russia were anxious to become part of this project and added that this corridor would be
accessed after passing through Afghanistan.
He said start of trade between different regions of the world through this corridor would
also bring new technologies and knowledge to this region.
The President said the basic purpose of these scholarships awarded to Afghan students
in Pakistan, was to prepare them for the requirements of modern era.
Ambassador of Afghanistan Omar Zakhiwal said the documentary was aimed at fighting
mistrust and misunderstanding between Paksitan and Afghanistan.
He said the Afghan students, studying in Pakistan, would define the future of relationship
between two countries and such exchanges would develop closer links.
Chairman High Education Commission Dr. Mukhtar Ahmad said education was only
solution for Pakistan and Afghanistan that could minimize their sufferings and mentioned
that Allama Iqbal scholarship would prove to be helpful in this regard.
The event was attended by teachers and Afghan students.