National News

JRL terms abuse of Kashmiri detainees an act of vendetta

JRL terms abuse of Kashmiri detainees an act of vendetta

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Joint Resistance Leadership (JRL) comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik in Indian Occupied Kashmir Media has termed the ongoing assault on Kashmiri inmates and shifting them to Jammu jails as illegal, unethical and act of vendetta.
According to Kahsmir Media Service, a JRL delegation led by Muhammad Yasin Malik visited the office of the Human Rights Commission of the territory in Srinagar and met with its Chairman, Justice (Retd) Bilal Nazki, and other members and apprised them of the plight of the Kashmiri detainees.
The resistance leaders in a statement issued in Srinagar after the meeting said that everything possible would be done to provide justice to the Kashmiri inmates who were being penalized by the puppet rulers and Indian police unreasonably and illegally.
“The international community acknowledges the rights of prisoners and those trampling these rights have no right to call themselves democrats. The Joint Resistance Leadership will do everything possible to secure justice for the Kashmiri inmates,” they said.
The resistance leaders described the shifting of many inmates including lifers Sheikh Nazir Ahmed, Muhammad Ayub Dar, Muhammad Ayub Mir, Abdul Hameed Teeli and Tariq Ahmed Dar from Srinagar Central Jail to Jammu jails as an act of shifting blame on innocents.
They said that the puppet rulers and their police were actually trying to pass the buck, hide their own failures and penalize innocent people for none of their fault.
“Even some lifers who were on parole have been re-arrested and sent to Jammu, violating court orders to lodge them at Srinagar Central Jail,” they deplored.
The leaders said that by shifting these inmates and committing atrocities on them, the police and the puppet rulers were doing illegal and unethical job. They emphasized the need of providing justice to these inmates.
“On the day an inmate escaped from SMHS Hospital, there were many other inmates who instead of escaping chose to return back to jail, but these prisoners are now being oppressed in jails which is highly condemnable,” they said, adding that the shifting of inmates especially lifers away from jails is even against the judgment of Indian Supreme Court that has barred the authorities from lodging the inmates away from their home and families.
“As the one inmate escapes at SMHS, police and forces under new hypothesis are putting Kashmiris to new hardships. Police stations in various areas are summoning those in resistance and asking them to submit their photographs, photographs of their kith and kin including women and even the details of their properties,” the leaders said.
The resistance leaders also paid rich tributes to the martyrs who were massacred by the Indian forces’ personnel at Zakura and Tengpora areas of Srinagar on March 01, 1990.
They said that on a day when millions of Kashmiris had gathered at the UN office at Sonawar in Srinagar seeking freedom from Indian occupation, the forces’ personnel opened their guns on innocent people at Zakoora and Tengpora, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. The martyrs are our real heroes and no stone will be left unturned to accomplish their mission, they added.
The resistance leaders urged the international community to shun its silence over the gross human rights violations by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir.
“Kashmiris are looking towards the world community and still believe that one day it will change its attitude of giving preference to business interests over moral values and humanity and come to their rescue,” they maintained.