National News

RAW agent’s arrest exposed Indian designs against Pakistan: Analysts

ISLAMABAD, (APP): Pakistan has provided empirical evidences to
international community about Indian nefarious designs against Pakistan by
arresting Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) agent.
And,Pakistan has apprised the international community about the arrest
of India’s state-sponsored terrorist Kul Bhushan Yadev.
This was stated by defence analysts while speaking in Radio Pakistan’s
News and Current Affairs programme.
Defence analyst Lt. General (R) Raza Muhammad Khan said the Indian
involvement in Pakistan was quite unfortunate and it was the duty of
international community to play its role to pressurize New Delhi to stop
sponsoring and backing terrorism in Pakistan.
It was a good move of the government that it highlighted the issue on
all available fora including the United Nations,he said .
He said Pakistan had already provided two dossiers to the United
Nations, which contained solid proofs against India.
Pakistan always tried to maintain peaceful relations with India, but it
never responded in the same tune and tried to destabilize Pakistan.
Defence analyst Air Marshal (R) Shahid Latif said India was continuously
creating problems for Pakistan and, “now, once again our security forces booked Indian spy from Balochistan, who was on the mission to target Gwadar port.
The arrested spy agent revealed that India wanted to derail
multi-billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, he added.
The Indian involvement in Pakistan came under the war crimes and the
United Nations Security Council has a cell to address such issue, he said
adding,Pakistan should use this forum alongside other international plateforms to pressurize India.
Defence analyst Lt. General (R) Abdul Qayum said India wanted to
destabilize Pakistan to stop the process of development and progress.
Defence analyst Lt. General (R) Amjad Shoaib said Pakistan’s role in the
region was quite significant and Indian involvement in Pakistan was to stop the peace and prosperity of Pakistan.
Sharing the identical views with other analysts, Defense analyst Dr.
Huma Baqai said “After the arrest of RAW agent, India is in a difficult position.” Indian spy has acknowledged the involvement of RAW in subversive activities in Pakistan, she added.
In spite of such events, the relations between the two countries were
not stalled, she said and added it was because of vigilance of Pakistan’s leadership that both were involved in a constructive way.
“Now, Pakistan’s perspective is being recognized by global community. Pakistan has provided empirical evidences to international community
about Indian nefarious designs against Pakistan,”she maintained.