National News

Gilani appeals world to help resolve Kashmir dispute

Gilani appeals

Gilani appeals world to help resolve Kashmir dispute

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Syed Ali Gilani, in Indian occupied Kashmir, has appealed to the international community and UN to take solid steps for the settlement of Kashmir dispute in accordance with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Syed Ali Gilani in a statement issued in held Srinagar deplored that while violating all norms laid in the human rights charter, Indian authorities were trampling and violating the human values in the occupied territory. He said that all member countries should honour and respect the right to self-determination of all the subjugated nations.
The APHC Chairman said that the Kashmir dispute had multiplied human tragedies and because of this lingering issue, millions of people were facing immense hardships and a state of uncertainty and instability was looming over the whole South Asian region. “People in Jammu and Kashmir don’t like any confrontation and are against war-like situations. I with a sincere heart want to convey that we are yearning for peace and seek a peaceful resolution to the long-pending dispute,” he added.
Syed Ali Gilani said that from the last 70 years, the Kashmiris were striving for their fundamental right and India instead of fulfilling its commitment was resorting to brute approach and carrying massacres in the occupied territory. “Six lac souls were lost due to unending horrendous situations, tens of thousands were killed in custody of forces’ personnel and thousands are languishing in jails and detention centres,” he said.