National News

Mirwaiz forum ridicules Drabu’s assertions on Kashmir

Mirwaiz forum ridicules Drabu’s assertions on Kashmir

ISLAMABAD, (MILLAT ONLINE):The Hurriyat forum led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq in Indian Occupied Kashmir has ridiculed the deceptive statement of PDP leader Haseeb Drabu that J&K is a social issue and not a political.
According to Kashmir media service , a Hurriyat spokesman in a statement issue in Srinagar said, such falsehood is part of the propaganda being waged to mislead and misdirect audiences with an aim to dilute the reality of the Kashmir dispute and weaken the discourse on Jammu and Kashmir.
The spokesman said, “These individuals for the realization of their ambitions become voluntary tools in the hands of oppressors and act as their mouth piece whom oppressor uses to protest its interests.”
“Successive governments in India have patronized and promoted such people to systematically weaken and erode the Kashmir cause and gradually strengthen its own grip over J&K as is evident before us,” the spokesman added.